Support Zimbabwean nurses arrested and fired for protesting deteriorating pay and working conditions during pandemic

Dr. Denise Gestaldo has brought to our attention the struggle of Zimbabwean nurses. On 6 July, the Zimbabwean government arrested 13 nurses at the Harare hospital. They were protesting their deteriorating pay and working conditions. Those nurses have since been released on bail -- but have been dismissed from their jobs. With the inflation rate hovering around 1000%, the cost of living has risen so rapidly that public sector salaries are now almost worthless.

Nurses’ mental health, leave of absence and return to work experiences: Introducing a new partnership initiative

The mental health and wellbeing of nurses and other health providers is of paramount importance to RNAO. We are delighted to present an article from Abby Ayoub (University of Ottawa), Sheri Price (Dalhousie University), Melanie Lavoie-Tremblay (McGill University), Kelly Lackie (Dalhousie University) and Ivy Bourgeault (University of Ottawa) introducing the nursing case study of the Healthy Professional Worker Partnership.

Rather than praise, let’s protect our nurses 

The following article was prepared in May on the occasion of Nursing Week but still remains relevant today. It was coauthored by Alex Harris (Manager, Professional Practice at Trillium Health Partners), Doris Grinspun (CEO, Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario), Mike Villeneuve (CEO, Canadian Nurses Association) and Judith Shamian (President Emerita, International Council of Nurses).