Winter Surge Planning: How one Ontario Health Team is Preparing for the Winter Influenza Season and a Potential Second Wave of COVID-19

RNAO is supporting the success of Ontario Health Teams (OHT) by offering a new Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) model called BPSO OHT. We are very proud of working with several OHT and today we want to profile the outstanding work of the East Toronto Health Partners OHT (ETHP). We thank our ETHP partners for writing the submission below that updates on their excellent community work to prepare for this year’s Winter Surge, which is likely to include new waves of COVID-19.

Addressing differential access to virtual care due to technology inequities – Please help 

The North Western Toronto Ontario Health Team BPSO OHT has collectively identified issues related to inequitable access to basic technology during the pandemic. Clients who do not have cell phones or computers, or cannot purchase enough data on their devices for a virtual appointment, are not able to continue their care and this increases their health risk.