Accelerating knowledge uptake and sustainability – learning from the Leading Change Toolkit™

RNAO, in collaboration with Healthcare Excellence Canada, are excited to launch the new online Leading Change Toolkit. The toolkit is designed for change agents and change teams whose goal is to create lasting improvement with the uptake and sustainability of knowledge, like best practice guidelines (BPG).

Reta’s Story  (a contribution of Judy Smith, Reta’s daughter-in-law)

In our report last week we confronted the fact that patient-centred care can be a reality or a dream. RNAO’s work with Ontario Health Teams on person-and-family centred-care was at the centre of a BPSO OHT four hour meeting a few weeks ago, and here we have another glimpse, arising from that meeting, on what person-and-family-centred care looks like from the field. The following is a contribution from Judy Smith, who shares a story about her mother-in-law Reta.

Addressing differential access to virtual care due to technology inequities – Please help 

The North Western Toronto Ontario Health Team BPSO OHT has collectively identified issues related to inequitable access to basic technology during the pandemic. Clients who do not have cell phones or computers, or cannot purchase enough data on their devices for a virtual appointment, are not able to continue their care and this increases their health risk.