Nurses say throne speech advances A Just Recovery for All

Wednesday’s federal Throne Speech was an important policy moment in Canada. Please see below RNAO’s press release issued after the Speech. RNAO was successful in achieving two major asks in our Vision for A Just Recovery for All: 1) the federal government will work with the provinces and territories to set National Standards for Long-Term Care (LTC) so that seniors get the best support possible, with funding attached to those standards, and 2) strengthening the National Housing Strategy announced in 2017 by increasing investments to rapid housing in the short term, and partnering with not-for-profits and co-ops in the mid- to long-term. The commitment is to end chronic homelessness.

RNAO joins global movement: A Just Recovery for All

RNAO has been particularly active in recent months addressing structural inequities that led to vulnerable populations suffering the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic. RNAO is adding its voice to a campaign launched in June supported by hundreds of progressive organizations in Canada calling for a just and sustainable recovery from COVID-19.

Winter Surge Planning: How one Ontario Health Team is Preparing for the Winter Influenza Season and a Potential Second Wave of COVID-19

RNAO is supporting the success of Ontario Health Teams (OHT) by offering a new Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) model called BPSO OHT. We are very proud of working with several OHT and today we want to profile the outstanding work of the East Toronto Health Partners OHT (ETHP). We thank our ETHP partners for writing the submission below that updates on their excellent community work to prepare for this year’s Winter Surge, which is likely to include new waves of COVID-19.

Insights from Cuba: Primary care as the focus of COVID-19 prevention

Today our focus is on Cuba, a Caribbean island with about 11 million population and a very different economic and political regime. Canadians know Cuba well through their tourist visits – more than one million in 2019. Today, we are interested in a different facet of Cuban society – the community focus of its health system and their success, so far, in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. There are important insights for us in Ontario.

Preparing for the second wave of COVID-19: What is the plan?

This is a question I have often asked from government officials. Following recent consultations, we are told a plan is on its way, soon to be released. The problem is, the full trust that nurses had at the outset of the first wave of COVID-19 was eroded by the anguish we, and other stakeholders, experienced as we moved for months at a snail’s pace to respond to emerging needs. This is why, as the CEO of the largest professional association in Ontario, and as an engaged leader, I feel it is my responsibility to share our thoughts and invite feedback.