January 23 2021 COVID-19 report

RNAO’ commitment to vulnerable populations precedes this pandemic and will continue forward, as we tackle together the social inequities exposed and deepened by the virus. In doing so, we will be inspired by examples of tremendous strength. One of those is the work of Inner City Health Associates (ICHA). Inner City Health Associates (ICHA) was a group of more than 100 physicians working in over 50 shelters and drop-ins across Toronto until March 2020. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Toronto, registered nurses (RNs), registered practical nurses (RPNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) have joined ICHA in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Toronto shelter settings.

January 15 2021 COVID-19 report

Preparing for the second wave of COVID-19: What is the plan?We proposed a detailed plan of how government must act to make sure the second wave is not a recurrent tragedy. I wrote: “Let me begin by repeating what I have begged government at all levels since January, and in particular from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health David Williams: We must prepare for the worst and hope for the best. During the first wave of COVID-19 in Ontario, we had it backwards – we hoped for the best, but engaged action late and at a slow pace, thus ending in the middle of the pack.”

The escalating catastrophe of the COVID-19 second wave in Ontario

RNAO has been a leading voice since the end of the first wave in summer 2020 calling on the Ontario government to engage measures to pre-empt and prevent the unavoidable second wave in the fall. We provide an update on the current context and RNAO's reaction to the latest measures implemented in the province. RNAO describes these measures as not enough, too little, too late and – since we are in an intensifying tragedy – calculated recklessness.

Progress in vaccine distribution: Updates, issues and concerns

RNAO remains intensely involved in the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Ontario. We are participating in a collective effort to develop a comprehensive information resource on vaccines. RNAO organized a webinar with Dr. Dirk Huyer on vaccine distribution: Progress to date. Vaccinations should be ramped up starting with those at highest risk of severe disease or death – residents of long-term care homes –, as well as their essential care partners and staff in those homes. RNAO and three home care providers are calling on the government to get the vaccinations into the hands of community providers including nurses, physicians and pharmacists.

RNCareers: Help during the holidays and help for next phases of this pandemic

RNCareers.ca, RNAO’s official career site since 2005, is the largest in Ontario. The site hosts positions for nurse practitioners (NPs), registered nurses (RNs), registered practical nurses (RPNs), personal support workers (PSWs), and other health professionals in clinical and non-clinical roles across all health-care sectors.

January 8 2021 COVID-19 report

Tragically, with over 4,200 new cases today, many ICUs at capacity, and health-care workers beyond exhaustion, RNAO’s concerns regarding the limitations of Ontario policy have been validated. And we have not yet seen the worst of this second wave. The lack of timely and stronger action is the reason we will see consistently over 4,000 new cases daily for the next two weeks, and a number possibly edging as high as 5,000 in February. This is why we continue to urge Premier Ford for immediate action – no time to wait