Watch webinar: Understanding wellness in Indigenous wisdom traditions for caregivers

This webinar was held on March 2, 2021, in partnership with RNAO, Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), Chiefs of Ontario (COO), the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Shkaabe Makwa and the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (CINA). The focus was on nurses and health-care providers supporting First Nations communities and organizations.

Communication during a Pandemic: How we can endure the pandemic together

COVID-19 has impacted enormously on mental health and our ability to communicate with others. We are hugely grateful for the contribution of the following article written by Teresa Valenzano and Patty Matsuo on behalf of the Ontario Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists (OSLA).

RNAO’s continuing media profile: The January report

We’ve begun a new year with even more determination to address the challenges brought forward by the relentless COVID-19 virus. RNAO continues its central role in the media, speaking about key issues and continuing our advocacy efforts to mobilize change and help bring an end to this pandemic. This is a summary of our January interventions.

Please sign action alert urging Premier Ford to suffocate COVID-19, NOW!

Nurses call on Premier Doug Ford to act swiftly to suffocate community spread of COVID-19 – now more than ever – given the rapidly spreading new strains. As with the vaccines, delay in taking bold action to support vulnerable populations that can’t afford to self-isolate is costing lives and putting our health system and its health-care workers at undue burden – physically and emotionally.  

Mitigating the spread in Toronto shelter settings

RNAO’ commitment to vulnerable populations precedes this pandemic and will continue forward, as we tackle together the social inequities exposed and deepened by the virus. In doing so, we will be inspired by examples of tremendous strength. One of those is the work of Inner City Health Associates (ICHA). We share with pride and gratitude the progress presented next by our colleagues Leigh and Andrew.