A critical resource for pandemic times: Learn about the Nurses’ Health Program

COVID-19 has made it a more challenging time for people with addiction and mental health disorders. It’s also been an enormously stressful, exhausting and sometimes traumatizing experience, particularly for nurses at the frontlines dealing with COVID or working anywhere under the extraordinary circumstances created by the pandemic. For that reason, I am taking the opportunity to remind our nursing readers – NPs, RNs and RPNs – of the Nurses’ Health Program that can be a crucially important resource for those who may need it.

RNAO gravely concerned about the second pandemic wave

RNAO and others remains gravely concerned by the late and insufficient efforts to control the second pandemic wave, which is once again overwhelming long term care (LTC) institutions, in particular nursing homes across the province, adding anguish to residents, staff and the families of both. This “too little, too late approach” continues to disadvantage populations compromised by their social conditions.

With ICU cases climbing toward potentially devastating levels, health organizations plead for Ontarians to celebrate holiday season safely

RNAO issued on December 8, in conjunction with the Ontario Hospital Association, Ontario Medical Association, Registered Practical Nurses Association of Ontario, and Respiratory Therapy Society of Ontario the following media statement:

Continuing the conversation: Mobilizing collective action for long-term care reform in Canada

RNAO organized a path breaking Cross Country Meeting to engage Collective Action for Long-Term Care Reform in Canada on Monday, November 9. The overwhelming response and active engagement is indicative of the urgency and opportunity for collective action. To this end, we are hosting another Cross-Country Meeting. We will continue the conversation on Monday, December 14.

Nurses urge dedicated funding for infection prevention and control to combat wave of COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care homes

IPAC is a critical issue in long-term care (LTC) homes at all times and more so in the midst of a pandemic. With the rising death toll and insufficient nursing and other resources, IPAC is even more important. RNAO issued today a report and a media release with a survey on this life-and-death matter.

RNAO, once again, plays major role in the media during November

Today, we bring you a summary of RNAO’s media engagement for the month of November. Our extensive media exposure focused on key issues addressing the urgency of the pandemic situation. This includes the problematic provincial leadership in recent weeks; the auditor general’s report on the province’s handling of the pandemic; the ongoing crisis in long-term care; burnout among nurses and other healthcare workers; as well as the need for a #COVIDzero strategy. 

COVID-19 in long-term care: A nurse’s witness statement

Nurses and other healthcare workers in the frontlines of Ontario’s COVID-19 pandemic – especially in long term care, but increasingly in other sectors – are experiencing trauma. This is the result of sheer exhaustion, insufficient and late government action leading to escalating spread of COVID-19, episodes of public disregard for the necessary rules to contain the virus, and the excruciating loss of lives. And there is more – the muzzling of healthcare workers’ voices.

Join us for the NP Knowledge Exchange Annual Symposium

An exciting program awaits NPs, members of RNAO, who will be participating at no cost in the upcoming NP Knowledge Exchange Virtual Symposium on November 23. The theme of the seventh-annual symposium organized by RNAO is “Moving from Strength to Greater Strength: NPs in Ontario, Canada, and around the Globe.”

RNAO says government’s measures too late and insufficient to break the transmission – but we must enact them fully within a COVID-Zero strategy

RNAO issued today a press release in response to the lockdown measures in Toronto and Peel regions announced by the government. RNAO continues to call for an aggressive and all-encompassing lockdown, followed by an effective and concerted strategy to snuff out the virus – a “COVID-Zero” strategy. The longer we wait, the more painful these pandemic cycles will be.