Nurses celebrated diversity during Pride month

In honour of Pride month, RNAO and its interest group the Rainbow Nursing Interest Group (RNIG) continued to speak out against discrimination and social exclusion based on sexual orientation and gender identity. We remained committed to celebrating diversity, inclusivity and equality.
This year, due to COVID-19, the Toronto pride parade was virtual with an online portal that highlighted local collectives, artists, makers and performers. Similar to Toronto, York Region, London and other cities that hosted virtual events. To see what your city celebrated see 2SLGBTQI.
As part of Toronto’s virtual pride parade on June 28, RNIG created a video wishing everyone a happy Pride month. Check RNIG’s Facebook for updates.
RNAO and RNIG have been long-time advocates for the province’s 2SLGBTQI+ communities and are committed to diversity and human rights. Please read RNIG’s homepage on respecting sexual orientation and gender identity. A message from the Rainbow Nursing Interest Group (RNIG) is here.