Update on pandemic pay: Today we received an update from government on their response to the concerns on pandemic pay raised by a number of groups. You can see the new guidelines for pandemic pay in a slide show here.
RNAO launched the COVID-19 VIANurse program on March 12, 2020, and has provided staffing services free of charge to the entire province during an unprecedented time of need.
Today I am appreciative to Tim Richter, President & CEO, Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, for engaging us all in what promises to be a very effective campaign to end homelessness, once and for all. Tim’s message is so simple and so powerful: Yes, we want to go back to normal, but not a normal where more than a quarter of a million Canadians are homeless. Not a normal where we look the other way as vulnerable people suffer injustice and discrimination. Not a normal where so many people do not have shelter and basic needs.
Today, we continue our focus on PPE and proper usage. We appreciate the following article and video prepared by Dr. Jeff Powis, chief of infection prevention and control at Michael Garron Hospital. I also want to comment on how impressed we are with his expertise, commitment and dedication to staff and patients wellbeing.
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